Post-Procedure Care Instructions
Immediately After Treatment
- Upon completion of your procedure, compression stockings will be applied. The stockings are to be worn continuously for the first 48 hours, even at night.
- An anti-inflammatory medication - Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), OR Naproxen (Aleve) - is recommended for 7-10 days following treatment, even in the absence of pain/discomfort. Follow the medication-specific dosing instructions.
- Ice packs can be used to sooth pain over the treated veins. Apply over the compression stockings for 15 minutes, every 1-2 hours.
- You are encouraged to remain active following treatment. However, avoid strenuous activity (weightlifting, long-distance running) for 1 week.
- Avoid prolonged sitting or standing. When sitting, it is best to elevate the treated leg.
- Caffeine consumption can be resumed.
- Refrain from driving immediately following treatment.
- An anti-inflammatory medication - Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), OR Naproxen (Aleve) - is recommended for 7-10 days following treatment, even in the absence of pain/discomfort. Follow the medication-specific dosing instruc-tions.
48 Hours to Two Weeks After Treatment
- The compression stockings can be removed to shower. Continue to wear the stockings for another 1 week, only during the day.
- You are encouraged to walk and resume regular daily activities.
- Refrain from long-distance air travel and/or lengthy car rides for 2 weeks following treatment.
What to Expect
- Bruising along the treated vein is normal.This typically clears within 2 weeks.
- Tightness or discomfort are part of the healing process.
- The treated veins may become firm and tender. This will gradually improve.
- Discolouration can occur along the site of treatment. Over time, this will fade.
- If you experience redness or tenderness over the treated vein, continue to take anti-inflammatory medications. Ice packs or warm compresses can be used for comfort.
- Varicose veins will become less prominent over of period of 8 weeks. Any residual veins can be treated with sclerotherapy injections.
- Endovenous chemical ablation can be associated with hypersensitivity or allergic reactions, which are typically mild.
- This is characterized by an itchy, red rash, localized to the treated leg.
- Contact your treating physician if you have any concerns.